Human Rights Policy Statement

In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, MEAN WELL Group continues to develop towards SDG sustainable development, upholds high business ethics and personal integrity, supports and follows the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as other international norms and local regulations, appealing for and protecting the basic human rights and related rights of all colleagues, customers, partners and other stakeholders:
  1. Compliance with labor laws and regulations: The Company respects employees' freedom of employment, provides reasonable wages, implements humane management, and does not arbitrarily collect, process, nor use personal data.
  1. Diversity, inclusivity and equal opportunity: Any form of discrimination, and differential or inhuman treatment is prohibited, including sexual harassment, abuse, slavery, physical punishment, threats, child labor or violations of human rights, etc.
  1. Healthy and safe workplace environment: The Company pays attention to the health and safety of employees, provides various benefits, conducts regular health checks, encourages employees to participate in clubs and travel, and prohibits forced labor.
  1. Secure two-way communication channels: The Company regularly conducts employee forums, labor-management meetings, implements employee surveys, maintains smooth communication, creating a win-win situation for both employees and the Company. Integrity mailboxes have also been set up to provide reporting channels.